Tools For Scientific Thinking
Applets for Motion Investigations
NOTE: These simulation require Java 1.1 with Java Script to applet communication, which some older MacIntosh systems do not support. Physlets run on the MAc using OSX Panther and the latest Safari browser. For more infomation go to: Physlets® These work with Netscape, Firefox, or Internet Explorer browsers with Java support. Older versions of Netscape may generate some error messages. They have been tested with both MS and SUN Java
These are simulations designed to allow the student to perform TST labs at home. The Tools for Scientific Thinking Labs are written by Ronald K. Thornton and David R. Sokoloff. They are available from Vernier Software.
Wherever the lab talks about the detector, you place the ball on the positive axis. The positive axis is in front of the detector, and the negative axis is behind the detector. The detector would be at zero, so moving away is movement to the right. Moving toward, is movement toward zero or to the left.
The following are simulations which can be used as a lab to explore various aspects of acceleration and forces.
The modified Atwood simulation is a realistic simulation of the forces and acceleration set up.
Constant Acceleration
Two constant velocities match - Match graphs by selecting velocities
Constant Acceleration - match graphs by selecting A, Vi, Xi
Constant Acceleration - match graphs by writing equations
Constant Acceleration - match motions by selecting a,v,x
Two constant accelerations - match graphs by selecting acceleration graphs
Three constant accelerations - match graphs by selecting acceleration graphs
Constant Vertical Acceleration
Multiple Constant Forces
Force Investigation using a Modified Atwood Machine
Frictional Forces
Motion of Cart with Friction force on a Ramp
Motion of Cart with Friction coefficient on a Ramp
Motion of Cart with angled force and friction force
Motion of Cart with angled force and friction coefficient
Two cart collisions
Cart and Spring collision
Atwood machine
Spring Force
Spring Cart & Position
These simulations are designed to help you visualize what is happening during the experiment.
• You can slow them down to see more details and get a more accurate picture of the interactions.
• You can step forwards or backwards. When you do this the red ball shows you the location on the graph that corresponds
to the current position of the object.
• You can adjust the variables by either moving the slider, or by typing in the desired value. Some variable are limited in value.
• Quantities that are not shown on a graph can often be measured.
For example force vectors (arrows) are shown according to the selected scale.
You can measure the arrows to get a good estimate of their values.
• By clicking on the graph or the picture you are shown the value at the cursor.
• By checking Strobe ON, the simulation shows you a motion or strobe diagram.
• By checking Graph ON, the simulation plot graphs. If parameters are changed, graphing is turned off to encourage prediction.
• By checking Keep current graph, the current data is saved, and new data is plotted with a separate line.
• By checking Reverse allowed, the simulation allows the object to reverse direction.
• Some quantities are shown by the color of the object. The coefficient of friction and spring constant are visually shown this way.
• You are not allowed to change variables while the experiment is being run. You must click reset before trying to change variables.
John M. Clement currently teaches at St. Pius X High School, 811 W Donovan, Houston, TX.
You are welcome to transfer these simulations to local computers for educational use. These simulations are based on Physlets® by Wolfgang Christian at Davidson College. The Physlets code may not be sold or commercially distributed for profit without permission of the author.
July, 2000